Legacy Release Guide 2.0

Note that this page is of use for committers only. It describes the general procedure of building a Cayenne release.



Refer to the Prerequisites section of the main release guide

Preparing Sources

  • Export and commit the latest documentation per Documentation Guidelines .

  • Create a report in Jira listing all issues that are FIXED but not CLOSED, paste its contents to RELEASE-NOTES.txt. Bulk-close all involved issues. Note that issues that affect multiple releases are usually closed immediately when they are fixed, and the note is placed in RELEASE-NOTES.txt immediately when this happens.

  • Edit UPGRADE-NOTES.txt if there is anything to add there.

  • Check Sources Compliance with ARAT. ARAT (A Release Audit Tool) is a Java tool written by Robert Burrell Donkin for checking the release files for ASF licensing compliance. To run ARAT, check it out of SVN (we are using version 0.4), build with Ant, and run against unpacked distro (or the release tag), read the report and fix any issues.

Building Release Artifacts

  • Tag cayenne directory under the repository trunk (assuming release_version is a version tag identifying the release, such as "1.2B3"):

    svn copy https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/cayenne/main/trunk/cayenne
    https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/cayenne/main/tags/release_version/cayenne -m “tagging B3 release”

  • Switch an existing working copy on a build machine to the release tag: If you don’t have a local copy, do “checkout” instead of “switch”. Do not forget to switch the local copy back to the appropriate branch in case you are using it to make the code changes.

  • Note that all Ant commands now must contain “project.version” property corresponding to the release version. The property is passed on the command line as "-Dproject.version=2.0.x”. See examples below.

  • Run a test to make sure the checkout is ok:
    Test with all supported databases listed here , or at least as many as possible. See Legacy Ant Unit Tests for more details on how to test each of the various database servers with legacy versions of Cayenne.

  • Build a release for the target platform:

  • Build Release Maven Bundles for ibiblio upload:

  • Signing release For more info visit this page . Release manager key must be in the project KEYS file. Signing is a manual procedure not included in the Ant or Maven script. Here is how it might work ("-u” option can be omitted if you have only one GPG key):


Refer to the Voting section of the main release guide

Publishing the Release

Copy KEYS file if updated to "/www/www.apache.org/dist/cayenne/" (TODO: automate publishing the keys - maybe create a “dist” site project?)

chmod 664 /www/www.apache.org/dist/cayenne/*

Publishing Maven Artifacts

(TODO: automate rsync with Ant)

Assuming release version is 2.0.2, on a local machine do

ant clean mvn-install -Dproject.version=2.0.2

rsync -azv ~/.m2/repository/org/apache/cayenne/cayenne-nodeps/2.0.2 \

rsync -azv ~/.m2/repository/org/apache/cayenne/cayenne/2.0.2 \

rsync -azv ~/.m2/repository/org/apache/cayenne/cayenne-client-nodeps/2.0.2 \

rsync -azv ~/.m2/repository/org/apache/cayenne/cayenne-modeler/2.0.2 \

After the release

  • Update the DOAP file (held in the Cayenne svn) which will update https://projects.apache.org/project.html?cayenne automatically
  • Update Freshmeat with new release number (https://freshmeat.net/projects/cayenne/)
  • If the release is significant, consider press releases to relevant news sources
  • Review the main website pages (front page and why-cayenne especially) to add any new features
  • Add a news item to the Cayenne web site
  • Send an email to the Cayenne user and developer lists