Legacy Ant Unit Tests
Cayenne provides a comprehensive suite of unit tests. To execute unit tests you must first get Cayenne from SVN , install JDK 1.5 and obtain the latest Ant.
Summary of Build Properties
These properties can be passed to ant build via -DpropName=value.
{.table .table-bordered} Property | Description ———|———— cayenne.test.connection | Named connection source (see below) test.filter | Running a subset of tests (see below) cayenne.test.schema.skip | If “true”, won’t attempt to recreate the test database, i.e. the database must already be present.
Running Against Embedded HSQLDB
No extra setup is required. Just run Ant:
# cd cayenne/cayenne-ant
# ant test
Optionally you may run JDK 1.4 tests only (e.g. if you don’t have JDK 1.5 on your machine):
# cd cayenne/cayenne-ant
# ant test-1_4
This will use an embedded HSQLDB. Running tests against your own database requires a few extra steps described below.
Running Against a Specific Database
Step 1: Configure One or More Data Sources
Create a directory $HOME/.cayenne/ and place a file called connection.properties in this directory. File contents should be similar to this example:
example1.cayenne.adapter = org.apache.cayenne.dba.mysql.MySQLAdapter
example1.jdbc.username = someuser
example1.jdbc.password = somepasswd
example1.jdbc.url = jdbc:someurl1
example1.jdbc.driver = com.xyz.MyDriverClass
example2.cayenne.adapter = org.apache.cayenne.dba.oracle.OracleAdapter
example2.jdbc.username = someuser
example2.jdbc.password = somepasswd
example2.jdbc.url = jdbc:someurl2
example2.jdbc.driver = com.xyz.MyDriverClass
Each key starts with an identifier for a datasource. In the file above, “example1” and “example2” are such identifiers. They can be arbitrary strings without “.” (dot) symbols.
Step 2. Run Tests Against Configured Data Source
# cd cayenne/cayenne-ant
# ant test -Dcayenne.test.connection=example1
Substitute “example1” with a name of your data source configured in the previous step. In case of total success, one of the last messages Ant prints on console is BUILD SUCCESSFUL. If build fails, failure report is generated in HTML format under cayenne/cayenne-ant/build/tests-report-example1/index.html and can be viewed using a web browser (again, substitute “example1” in this path with the name of data source used).
Filtering Tests
To run only a subset of test cases, Ant-style pattern matching can be used. A property called test.filter defines a set of class files to be run. For instance to run only tests from the “tools” package, the following startup parameters can be used:
# cd cayenne/cayenne-ant
# ant test -Dcayenne.test.connection=example1 -Dtest.filter="**/tools/*Tst.class"