Cayenne 4.0.1 Released
Dec 28, 2018
This is a maintenance release with some minor changes in Modeler and a few bug fixes. It can be downloaded from here.
A full list of changes in this release:
Changes/New Features:
- CAY-2473 Modeler: cleanup attributes and relationship editors
- CAY-2474 Modeler: swap buttons in dialog toolbar
- CAY-2475 Modeler: move inheritance icon to name column in objAttr table and objRel table
- CAY-2476 Modeler: Fixed wrong behaviour of code generation dialog
- CAY-2479 Modeler: update cgen dialog
Bug Fixes:
- CAY-2419 Not changing highlight on selecting search results within one entity
- CAY-2320 Modeler: Limit input into numeric fields to 10 digits
- CAY-2449 Modeler: Needless scrollbar in Generate DB Schema result menu
- CAY-2450 Modeler: Impossible to update Attribute title after syncing ObjEntity
- CAY-2451 Modeler: ObjEntity “Edit” button doesn’t open editor for Relationship
- CAY-2454 Modeler: Unable to read validation message if it’s truncated
- CAY-2459 Modeler: DataMap Paste function is not working
- CAY-2462 Modeler: Clipboard holds old content after application was reloaded
- CAY-2464 ClassCastException when returning PRUNED_NODE in expression transformer
- CAY-2470 Can’t bind SQLExec parameters in a loop
- CAY-2472 Clear cached replacement query on mutation in all indirect queries
- CAY-2480 cayenne:cdbgen and cayenne:cgen have identical text in cayenne-maven-plugin
- CAY-2497 Modeler: SQL Scripts tab isn’t scrollable
- CAY-2504 Broken detection logic of NoopEventBridge in DataRowStoreFactory
- CAY-2505 EventBridge providers should be bound without scope