Cayenne 4.2.2 Released
Mar 24, 2025
This is a maintenance release of Cayenne 4.2. This version fixes several important issues and recomended for the upgrade. It can be downloaded from here.
A full list of changes in this release:
Changes/New Features:
- CAY-2867 Tweak GraphBasedDbRowOpSorter logic to allow related updates
- CAY-2873 Change Orderings.orderedList() to accept a Collection rather than a List
Bug Fixes:
- CAY-2866 DefaultDataDomainFlushAction breaks on circular relationship update
- CAY-2868 Regression: DefaultDbRowOpSorter shouldn’t sort update operations
- CAY-2871 QualifierTranslator breaks on a relationship with a compound FK
- CAY-2872 CayenneModeler “Documentation” link is broken
- CAY-2876 Memory leak in the ObjectStore
- CAY-2879 Negative number for non parameterized ObjectSelect query not processed correctly