Class DataNodeDescriptor

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Comparable<DataNodeDescriptor>, ConfigurationNode, XMLSerializable

public class DataNodeDescriptor extends Object implements ConfigurationNode, XMLSerializable, Serializable, Comparable<DataNodeDescriptor>
A descriptor of DataNode configuration.
See Also:
  • Field Details

    • name

      protected String name
    • dataMapNames

      protected Collection<String> dataMapNames
    • parameters

      protected String parameters
    • adapterType

      protected String adapterType
    • dataSourceFactoryType

      protected String dataSourceFactoryType
    • schemaUpdateStrategyType

      protected String schemaUpdateStrategyType
    • dataSourceDescriptor

      protected DataSourceInfo dataSourceDescriptor
    • configurationSource

      protected transient Resource configurationSource
    • dataChannelDescriptor

      protected DataChannelDescriptor dataChannelDescriptor
  • Constructor Details

    • DataNodeDescriptor

      public DataNodeDescriptor()
    • DataNodeDescriptor

      public DataNodeDescriptor(String name)
  • Method Details

    • getDataChannelDescriptor

      public DataChannelDescriptor getDataChannelDescriptor()
    • setDataChannelDescriptor

      public void setDataChannelDescriptor(DataChannelDescriptor dataChannelDescriptor)
    • compareTo

      public int compareTo(DataNodeDescriptor o)
      Specified by:
      compareTo in interface Comparable<DataNodeDescriptor>
    • acceptVisitor

      public <T> T acceptVisitor(ConfigurationNodeVisitor<T> visitor)
      Specified by:
      acceptVisitor in interface ConfigurationNode
    • encodeAsXML

      public void encodeAsXML(XMLEncoder encoder, ConfigurationNodeVisitor delegate)
      Description copied from interface: XMLSerializable
      Prints itself as XML to the provided XMLEncoder.
      Specified by:
      encodeAsXML in interface XMLSerializable
    • getName

      public String getName()
    • setName

      public void setName(String name)
    • getDataMapNames

      public Collection<String> getDataMapNames()
    • getParameters

      public String getParameters()
      Returns extra DataNodeDescriptor parameters. This property is often used by custom DataSourceFactory to configure a DataSource. E.g. JNDIDataSourceFactory may treat parameters String as a JNDI location of the DataSource, etc.
    • setParameters

      public void setParameters(String parameters)
      Sets extra DataNodeDescriptor parameters. This property is often used by custom DataSourceFactory to configure a DataSource. E.g. JNDIDataSourceFactory may treat parameters String as a JNDI location of the DataSource, etc.
    • getAdapterType

      public String getAdapterType()
    • setAdapterType

      public void setAdapterType(String adapter)
    • getDataSourceFactoryType

      public String getDataSourceFactoryType()
    • setDataSourceFactoryType

      public void setDataSourceFactoryType(String dataSourceFactory)
    • getSchemaUpdateStrategyType

      public String getSchemaUpdateStrategyType()
    • setSchemaUpdateStrategyType

      public void setSchemaUpdateStrategyType(String schemaUpdateStrategyClass)
    • getDataSourceDescriptor

      public DataSourceInfo getDataSourceDescriptor()
    • setDataSourceDescriptor

      public void setDataSourceDescriptor(DataSourceInfo dataSourceDescriptor)
    • getConfigurationSource

      public Resource getConfigurationSource()
      Returns configuration resource for this descriptor. Configuration is usually shared with the parent DataChannelDescriptor.
    • setConfigurationSource

      public void setConfigurationSource(Resource configurationResource)
      Sets configuration resource for this descriptor. Configuration is usually shared with the parent DataChannelDescriptor and has to be synchronized when it changes in the parent.