Class SelectById<T>

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Query, Select<T>

public class SelectById<T> extends IndirectQuery implements Select<T>
A query to select objects by id.
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • query

      public static <T> SelectById<T> query(Class<T> entityType, Object id)
    • query

      public static <T> SelectById<T> query(Class<T> entityType, Map<String,?> id)
    • query

      public static <T> SelectById<T> query(Class<T> entityType, ObjectId id)
    • query

      public static <T> SelectById<T> query(Class<T> entityType, Object firstId, Object... otherIds)
    • query

      public static <T> SelectById<T> query(Class<T> entityType, Collection<Object> ids)
    • query

      @SafeVarargs public static <T> SelectById<T> query(Class<T> entityType, Map<String,?> firstId, Map<String,?>... otherIds)
    • query

      public static <T> SelectById<T> query(Class<T> entityType, ObjectId firstId, ObjectId... otherIds)
    • dataRowQuery

      public static SelectById<DataRow> dataRowQuery(Class<?> entityType, Object id)
    • dataRowQuery

      public static SelectById<DataRow> dataRowQuery(Class<?> entityType, Map<String,?> id)
    • dataRowQuery

      public static SelectById<DataRow> dataRowQuery(ObjectId id)
    • dataRowQuery

      public static SelectById<DataRow> dataRowQuery(Class<?> entityType, Object firstId, Object... otherIds)
    • dataRowQuery

      @SafeVarargs public static SelectById<DataRow> dataRowQuery(Class<?> entityType, Map<String,?> firstId, Map<String,?>... otherIds)
    • dataRowQuery

      public static SelectById<DataRow> dataRowQuery(ObjectId firstId, ObjectId... otherIds)
    • select

      public List<T> select(ObjectContext context)
      Description copied from interface: Select
      Selects objects using provided context.

      Essentially the inversion of "".

      Specified by:
      select in interface Select<T>
    • selectOne

      public T selectOne(ObjectContext context)
      Description copied from interface: Select
      Selects a single object using provided context. The query is expected to match zero or one object. It returns null if no objects were matched. If query matched more than one object, CayenneRuntimeException is thrown.

      Essentially the inversion of "ObjectContext.selectOne(Select)".

      Specified by:
      selectOne in interface Select<T>
    • selectFirst

      public T selectFirst(ObjectContext context)
      Description copied from interface: Select
      Selects a single object using provided context. The query itself can match any number of objects, but will return only the first one. It returns null if no objects were matched.

      If it matched more than one object, the first object from the list is returned. This makes 'selectFirst' different from Select.selectOne(ObjectContext), which would throw in this situation. 'selectFirst' is useful e.g. when the query is ordered and we only want to see the first object (e.g. "most recent news article"), etc.

      Selecting the first object via "Select.selectFirst(ObjectContext)" is more comprehensible than selecting via "ObjectContext.selectFirst(Select)", because implementations of "Select" set fetch size limit to one.

      Specified by:
      selectFirst in interface Select<T>
    • iterate

      public void iterate(ObjectContext context, ResultIteratorCallback<T> callback)
      Description copied from interface: Select
      Creates a ResultIterator based on the provided context and passes it to a callback for processing. The caller does not need to worry about closing the iterator. This method takes care of it.

      Essentially the inversion of "ObjectContext.iterate(Select, ResultIteratorCallback)".

      Specified by:
      iterate in interface Select<T>
    • iterator

      public ResultIterator<T> iterator(ObjectContext context)
      Description copied from interface: Select
      Creates a ResultIterator based on the provided context. It is usually backed by an open result set and is useful for processing of large data sets, preserving a constant memory footprint. The caller must wrap iteration in try/finally (or try-with-resources for Java 1.7 and higher) and close the ResultIterator explicitly. Or use Select.iterate(ObjectContext, ResultIteratorCallback) as an alternative.

      Essentially the inversion of "ObjectContext.iterator(Select)".

      Specified by:
      iterator in interface Select<T>
    • batchIterator

      public ResultBatchIterator<T> batchIterator(ObjectContext context, int size)
      Description copied from interface: Select
      Creates a ResultBatchIterator based on the provided context and batch size. It is usually backed by an open result set and is useful for processing of large data sets, preserving a constant memory footprint. The caller must wrap iteration in try/finally (or try-with-resources for Java 1.7 and higher) and close the ResultBatchIterator explicitly.
      Specified by:
      batchIterator in interface Select<T>
    • localCache

      public SelectById<T> localCache(String cacheGroup)
      Instructs Cayenne to look for query results in the "local" cache when running the query. This is a short-hand notation for:
       query.cacheStrategy(QueryCacheStrategy.LOCAL_CACHE, cacheGroup);
    • localCache

      public SelectById<T> localCache()
      Instructs Cayenne to look for query results in the "local" cache when running the query. This is a short-hand notation for:
    • sharedCache

      public SelectById<T> sharedCache(String cacheGroup)
      Instructs Cayenne to look for query results in the "shared" cache when running the query. This is a short-hand notation for:
       query.cacheStrategy(QueryCacheStrategy.SHARED_CACHE, cacheGroup);
    • sharedCache

      public SelectById<T> sharedCache()
      Instructs Cayenne to look for query results in the "shared" cache when running the query. This is a short-hand notation for:
    • getCacheStrategy

      public QueryCacheStrategy getCacheStrategy()
    • cacheStrategy

      public SelectById<T> cacheStrategy(QueryCacheStrategy strategy)
    • cacheStrategy

      public SelectById<T> cacheStrategy(QueryCacheStrategy strategy, String cacheGroup)
    • getCacheGroup

      public String getCacheGroup()
    • cacheGroup

      public SelectById<T> cacheGroup(String cacheGroup)
    • isFetchingDataRows

      public boolean isFetchingDataRows()
    • prefetch

      public SelectById<T> prefetch(PrefetchTreeNode prefetch)
      Merges prefetch into the query prefetch tree.
      this object
    • prefetch

      public SelectById<T> prefetch(String path, int semantics)
      Merges a prefetch path with specified semantics into the query prefetch tree.
      this object
    • getPrefetches

      public PrefetchTreeNode getPrefetches()
    • createReplacementQuery

      protected Query createReplacementQuery(EntityResolver resolver)
      Description copied from class: IndirectQuery
      Creates a substitute query. An implementor is free to provide an arbitrary replacement query.
      Specified by:
      createReplacementQuery in class IndirectQuery