Class SetProperty<V extends Persistent>

All Implemented Interfaces:
PathProperty<Set<V>>, Property<Set<V>>, RelationshipProperty<Set<V>>

public class SetProperty<V extends Persistent> extends CollectionProperty<V,Set<V>>
Property that represents to-many relationship mapped on Set.
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • SetProperty

      protected SetProperty(String name, Expression expression, Class<V> entityType)
      Constructs a new property with the given name and expression
      name - of the property (will be used as alias for the expression)
      expression - expression for property
      entityType - type of related entity
  • Method Details

    • alias

      public SetProperty<V> alias(String alias)
      Creates alias with different name for this property
      alias in class BaseProperty<Set<V extends Persistent>>
    • outer

      public SetProperty<V> outer()
      Returns a version of this property that represents an OUTER join. It is up to caller to ensure that the property corresponds to a relationship, as "outer" attributes make no sense.
    • enclosing

      public SetProperty<V> enclosing()
      enclosing in class BaseProperty<Set<V extends Persistent>>
      property that will be translated relative to parent query