Uses of Class
Packages that use EqualsBuilder
Uses of EqualsBuilder in org.apache.cayenne.util
Methods in org.apache.cayenne.util that return EqualsBuilderModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionEqualsBuilder.append
(boolean[] lhs, boolean[] rhs) Deep comparison of array ofboolean
(boolean lhs, boolean rhs) Test if twobooleans
s are equal.EqualsBuilder.append
(byte[] lhs, byte[] rhs) Deep comparison of array ofbyte
(byte lhs, byte rhs) Test if twobyte
s are equal.EqualsBuilder.append
(char[] lhs, char[] rhs) Deep comparison of array ofchar
(char lhs, char rhs) Test if twochar
s are equal.EqualsBuilder.append
(double[] lhs, double[] rhs) Deep comparison of array ofdouble
(double lhs, double rhs) Test if twodouble
s are equal by testing that the pattern of bits returned bydoubleToLong
are equal.EqualsBuilder.append
(float[] lhs, float[] rhs) Deep comparison of array offloat
(float lhs, float rhs) Test if twofloat
s are equal byt testing that the pattern of bits returned by doubleToLong are equal.EqualsBuilder.append
(int[] lhs, int[] rhs) Deep comparison of array ofint
(int lhs, int rhs) Test if twoint
s are equal.EqualsBuilder.append
(long[] lhs, long[] rhs) Deep comparison of array oflong
(long lhs, long rhs) Test if twolong
s are equal.EqualsBuilder.append
(short[] lhs, short[] rhs) Deep comparison of array ofshort
(short lhs, short rhs) Test if twoshort
s are equal.Performs a deep comparison of twoObject
arrays.Test if twoObject
s are equal using theirequals
(boolean superEquals) Adds the result ofsuper.equals()
to this builder.