Class PersistentDescriptor

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class PersistentDescriptor extends Object implements ClassDescriptor
A default ClassDescriptor implementation for persistent objects.
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • PersistentDescriptor

      public PersistentDescriptor()
      Creates a PersistentDescriptor.
  • Method Details

    • setDiscriminatorColumns

      public void setDiscriminatorColumns(Collection<ObjAttribute> columns)
    • addSuperProperty

      public void addSuperProperty(PropertyDescriptor property)
      Registers a superclass property.
    • addDeclaredProperty

      public void addDeclaredProperty(PropertyDescriptor property)
      Registers a property. This method is useful to customize default ClassDescriptor generated from ObjEntity by adding new properties or overriding the standard ones.
    • addRootDbEntity

      public void addRootDbEntity(DbEntity dbEntity)
      Adds a root DbEntity to the list of roots, filtering duplicates.
    • removeDeclaredProperty

      public void removeDeclaredProperty(String propertyName)
      Removes declared property. This method can be used to customize default ClassDescriptor generated from ObjEntity.
    • addSubclassDescriptor

      public void addSubclassDescriptor(String className, ClassDescriptor subclassDescriptor)
      Adds a subclass descriptor that maps to a given class name.
    • getEntity

      public ObjEntity getEntity()
      Description copied from interface: ClassDescriptor
      Returns an ObjEntity associated with this descriptor.
      Specified by:
      getEntity in interface ClassDescriptor
    • getRootDbEntities

      public Collection<DbEntity> getRootDbEntities()
      Description copied from interface: ClassDescriptor
      Returns a collection of DbEntities that are the root tables for this descriptor's ObjEntity. Usually such collection would contain only one entity, however in cases involving subclass horizontal inheritance, it will be more than one, and in cases of abstract entities with no subclasses, the collection will be empty.
      Specified by:
      getRootDbEntities in interface ClassDescriptor
    • getAdditionalDbEntities

      public Map<String,DbEntity> getAdditionalDbEntities()
      Description copied from interface: ClassDescriptor
      Returns information about additional db entities that is used for this ObjEntity (i.e. for flattened attributes).

      Keys are full paths for corresponding flattened attributes.

      Specified by:
      getAdditionalDbEntities in interface ClassDescriptor
      information about additional db entities
    • isFault

      public boolean isFault(Object object)
      Description copied from interface: ClassDescriptor
      Returns true if an object is not fully resolved.
      Specified by:
      isFault in interface ClassDescriptor
    • getObjectClass

      public Class<?> getObjectClass()
      Description copied from interface: ClassDescriptor
      Returns a class mapped by this descriptor.
      Specified by:
      getObjectClass in interface ClassDescriptor
    • getSubclassDescriptor

      public ClassDescriptor getSubclassDescriptor(Class<?> objectClass)
      Description copied from interface: ClassDescriptor
      Returns the most "specialized" descriptor for a given class. This method assumes that the following is true:
      Specified by:
      getSubclassDescriptor in interface ClassDescriptor
    • getDiscriminatorColumns

      public Collection<ObjAttribute> getDiscriminatorColumns()
      Description copied from interface: ClassDescriptor
      Returns a collection of ObjAttribute for the described class, its superclasses and subclasses, that participate in inheritance qualifier. If a discriminator expression specifies a DbAttribute instead of an ObjAttribute, a synthetic ObjAttribute is created and returned.
      Specified by:
      getDiscriminatorColumns in interface ClassDescriptor
    • getIdProperties

      public Collection<AttributeProperty> getIdProperties()
      Description copied from interface: ClassDescriptor
      Returns a collection of the properties mapped to id columns.
      Specified by:
      getIdProperties in interface ClassDescriptor
    • getMapArcProperties

      public Collection<ArcProperty> getMapArcProperties()
      Description copied from interface: ClassDescriptor
      Returns a collection over the arc properties whose reverse arcs are to-many maps. I.e. for each ArcProperty in returned collection, the following is true:
       arc.getComplimentaryReverseArc() instanceof ToManyMapProperty
      Specified by:
      getMapArcProperties in interface ClassDescriptor
    • getProperty

      public PropertyDescriptor getProperty(String propertyName)
      Recursively looks up property descriptor in this class descriptor and all superclass descriptors.
      Specified by:
      getProperty in interface ClassDescriptor
    • getDeclaredProperty

      public PropertyDescriptor getDeclaredProperty(String propertyName)
      Description copied from interface: ClassDescriptor
      Returns a Java Bean property descriptor matching property name or null if no such property is found. Lookup DOES NOT including properties from the superclass descriptors. Returned property can be any one of AttributeProperty, ToManyProperty, ToOneProperty.
      Specified by:
      getDeclaredProperty in interface ClassDescriptor
    • getSuperclassDescriptor

      public ClassDescriptor getSuperclassDescriptor()
      Returns a descriptor of the mapped superclass or null if the descriptor's entity sits at the top of inheritance hierarchy.
      Specified by:
      getSuperclassDescriptor in interface ClassDescriptor
    • createObject

      public Object createObject()
      Creates a new instance of a class described by this object.
      Specified by:
      createObject in interface ClassDescriptor
    • injectValueHolders

      public void injectValueHolders(Object object) throws PropertyException
      Invokes 'prepareForAccess' of a super descriptor and then invokes 'prepareForAccess' of each declared property.
      Specified by:
      injectValueHolders in interface ClassDescriptor
    • shallowMerge

      public void shallowMerge(Object from, Object to) throws PropertyException
      Copies object properties from one object to another. Invokes 'shallowCopy' of a super descriptor and then invokes 'shallowCopy' of each declared property.
      Specified by:
      shallowMerge in interface ClassDescriptor
    • visitDeclaredProperties

      public boolean visitDeclaredProperties(PropertyVisitor visitor)
      Description copied from interface: ClassDescriptor
      Passes the visitor to the properties "visit" method for all properties declared in this descriptor. This property set excludes inherited properties, even those that got overridden in this subclass. Walkthrough is terminated in case one of the properties returns false. Returns true if all visited properties returned true, false - if one property returned false.
      Specified by:
      visitDeclaredProperties in interface ClassDescriptor
    • visitAllProperties

      public boolean visitAllProperties(PropertyVisitor visitor)
      Description copied from interface: ClassDescriptor
      Passes the visitor to the properties "visit" method for a combination of all properties, including properties declared in this descriptor, its super descriptors, and all subdescriptors. Walkthrough is terminated in case one of the properties returns false. Returns true if all visited properties returned true, false - if one property returned false.
      Specified by:
      visitAllProperties in interface ClassDescriptor
    • visitProperties

      public boolean visitProperties(PropertyVisitor visitor)
      Description copied from interface: ClassDescriptor
      Passes the visitor to the properties "visit" method for all properties declared in this descriptor and all its super-decsriptors. Properties that are overridden in subdescriptors will include overridden information. Walkthrough is terminated in case one of the properties returns false. Returns true if all visited properties returned true, false - if one property returned false.
      Specified by:
      visitProperties in interface ClassDescriptor
    • setPersistenceStateAccessor

      public void setPersistenceStateAccessor(Accessor persistenceStateAccessor)
    • setEntity

      public void setEntity(ObjEntity entity)
    • setSuperclassDescriptor

      public void setSuperclassDescriptor(ClassDescriptor superclassDescriptor)
    • getEntityQualifier

      public Expression getEntityQualifier()
      Description copied from interface: ClassDescriptor
      Returns entity qualifier as a Cayenne expression that includes qualifiers for this entity and all subentities.
      Specified by:
      getEntityQualifier in interface ClassDescriptor
    • setEntityQualifier

      public void setEntityQualifier(Expression entityQualifier)
    • getEntityInheritanceTree

      public EntityInheritanceTree getEntityInheritanceTree()
      Specified by:
      getEntityInheritanceTree in interface ClassDescriptor
    • setEntityInheritanceTree

      public void setEntityInheritanceTree(EntityInheritanceTree entityInheritanceTree)
    • hasSubclasses

      public boolean hasSubclasses()
      Description copied from interface: ClassDescriptor
      Returns whether this class has persistent subclasses.
      Specified by:
      hasSubclasses in interface ClassDescriptor