Class BaseArcProperty

All Implemented Interfaces:
ArcProperty, PropertyDescriptor
Direct Known Subclasses:
BaseToManyProperty, BaseToOneProperty

public abstract class BaseArcProperty extends BaseProperty implements ArcProperty
A base implementation of the ArcProperty.
  • Field Details

    • complimentaryReverseArcName

      protected String complimentaryReverseArcName
    • targetDescriptor

      protected ClassDescriptor targetDescriptor
    • relationship

      protected ObjRelationship relationship
    • reverseDbPath

      protected String reverseDbPath
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • visit

      public abstract boolean visit(PropertyVisitor visitor)
      Description copied from interface: PropertyDescriptor
      A visitor accept method.
      Specified by:
      visit in interface PropertyDescriptor
      Specified by:
      visit in class BaseProperty
      a status returned by the corresponding callback method of the visitor. It serves as an indication of whether peer properties processing is still needed.
    • isFault

      public abstract boolean isFault(Object source)
      Description copied from interface: ArcProperty
      Returns whether a target node connected to a given object is an unresolved fault.
      Specified by:
      isFault in interface ArcProperty
      source - an object that is a source object of the relationship.
    • getComplimentaryReverseDbRelationshipPath

      public String getComplimentaryReverseDbRelationshipPath()
      Description copied from interface: ArcProperty
      Returns a path over reverse DbRelationships for this arc's ObjRelationship.
      Specified by:
      getComplimentaryReverseDbRelationshipPath in interface ArcProperty
    • getRelationship

      public ObjRelationship getRelationship()
      Description copied from interface: ArcProperty
      Returns a relationship associated with this arc.
      Specified by:
      getRelationship in interface ArcProperty
    • getComplimentaryReverseArc

      public ArcProperty getComplimentaryReverseArc()
      Description copied from interface: ArcProperty
      Returns a complimentary reverse ArcProperty or null if no reverse arc exists.
      Specified by:
      getComplimentaryReverseArc in interface ArcProperty
    • getTargetDescriptor

      public ClassDescriptor getTargetDescriptor()
      Description copied from interface: ArcProperty
      Returns a ClassDescriptor for the type of graph nodes pointed to by this arc property. Note that considering that a target object may be a subclass of the class handled by the descriptor, users of this method may need to call ClassDescriptor.getSubclassDescriptor(Class) before using the descriptor to access objects.
      Specified by:
      getTargetDescriptor in interface ArcProperty
    • setReverse

      protected void setReverse(Object source, Object oldTarget, Object newTarget)
      A convenience method to set the reverse arc used by subclasses.