Interface ParameterizedQuery

All Superinterfaces:
Query, Serializable
All Known Implementing Classes:
ObjectSelect, PrefetchSelectQuery, ProcedureQuery, SelectQuery, SQLTemplate

public interface ParameterizedQuery extends Query
Defines a query that can serve as a template for other queries. ParameterizedQuery interface is used mainly in DataContext convenience methods, simplifying execution of the mapped queries.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    createQuery(Map<String,?> parameters)
    Creates a new query based on current query as a template, and using a Map of named parameters.

    Methods inherited from interface org.apache.cayenne.query.Query

    createSQLAction, getMetaData, route
  • Method Details

    • createQuery

      Query createQuery(Map<String,?> parameters)
      Creates a new query based on current query as a template, and using a Map of named parameters. In case of select queries, it is up to the implementing query to name the new query to avoid cache key conflicts.