Class EntityResult


public class EntityResult extends Object
A metadata object that provides mapping of a set of result columns to an ObjEntity. Used by SQLResult. Note that fields in the EntityResult are not required to follow the order of columns in the actual query, and can be added in the arbitrary order.
  • Field Details

    • entityName

      protected String entityName
    • entityClass

      protected Class<?> entityClass
    • fields

      protected Collection<> fields
  • Constructor Details

    • EntityResult

      public EntityResult(Class<?> entityClass)
    • EntityResult

      public EntityResult(String entityName)
  • Method Details

    • getDbFields

      public Map<String,String> getDbFields(EntityResolver resolver)
      Returns a map of result column names to attribute db paths from the root entity.
    • addObjectField

      public void addObjectField(String attributeName, String column)
      Adds a result set column mapping for a single object property of the root entity.
    • addObjectField

      public void addObjectField(String entityName, String attributeName, String column)
      Adds a result set column mapping for a single object property of a specified entity that may differ from the root entity if inheritance is involved.
    • addDbField

      public void addDbField(String dbAttributeName, String column)
      Adds a result set column mapping for a single DbAttribute.
    • getEntityName

      public String getEntityName()
    • getEntityClass

      public Class<?> getEntityClass()