Class SQLServerAdapter

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class SQLServerAdapter extends SybaseAdapter

Cayenne DbAdapter implementation for Microsoft SQL Server engine.

Microsoft Driver Settings

Sample connection settings to use with MS SQL Server are shown below:

       sqlserver.jdbc.username = test
       sqlserver.jdbc.password = secret
       sqlserver.jdbc.url = jdbc:sqlserver://;databaseName=cayenne;SelectMethod=cursor
       sqlserver.jdbc.driver =

Note on case-sensitive LIKE: if your application requires case-sensitive LIKE support, ask your DBA to configure the database to use a case-senstitive collation (one with "CS" in symbolic collation name instead of "CI", e.g. "SQL_Latin1_general_CP1_CS_AS").

jTDS Driver Settings

jTDS is an open source driver that can be downloaded from . It supports both SQLServer and Sybase. Sample SQLServer settings are the following:

       sqlserver.jdbc.username = test
       sqlserver.jdbc.password = secret
       sqlserver.jdbc.url = jdbc:jtds:sqlserver://
       sqlserver.jdbc.driver = net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbc.Driver