Interface DbAdapterDetector

All Known Implementing Classes:
DB2Sniffer, DerbySniffer, FirebirdSniffer, FrontBaseSniffer, H2Sniffer, HSQLDBSniffer, IngresSniffer, MariaDBSniffer, MySQLSniffer, OpenBaseSniffer, OracleSniffer, PostgresSniffer, SQLiteSniffer, SQLServerSniffer, SybaseSniffer

public interface DbAdapterDetector
A factory interface providing DbAdapter based on JDBC metadata. It allows custom DbAdapters to contribute database detection algorithms to DefaultDbAdapterFactory.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Returns an instance of DbAdapter if the factory detects that it knows how to handle the database or null if the database is not known to the factory, thus allowing multiple factories to be chained.
  • Method Details

    • createAdapter

      DbAdapter createAdapter(DatabaseMetaData md) throws SQLException
      Returns an instance of DbAdapter if the factory detects that it knows how to handle the database or null if the database is not known to the factory, thus allowing multiple factories to be chained.