Class Rot13PasswordEncoder

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class Rot13PasswordEncoder extends Object implements PasswordEncoding
The ROT-13 password encoder passes the text of the database password through a simple Caesar cipher to obscure the password text. The ROT-13 cipher only processes letters -- numbers and symbols are left untouched. ROT-13 is also a symmetrical cipher and therefore provides no real encryption since applying the cipher to the encrypted text produces the original source text. See the Wikipedia entry on ROT13 for more information on this topic.
  • Constructor Details

    • Rot13PasswordEncoder

      public Rot13PasswordEncoder()
  • Method Details

    • decodePassword

      public String decodePassword(String encodedPassword, String key)
      Description copied from interface: PasswordEncoding
      Decodes an encoded database password.
      Specified by:
      decodePassword in interface PasswordEncoding
      encodedPassword - - The encoded password to be decoded
      key - - An optional data element which can be used to unlock the password. Some encoders may require the key.
      The decoded normal/plain password.
    • encodePassword

      public String encodePassword(String normalPassword, String key)
      Description copied from interface: PasswordEncoding
      Encodes a normal/plain database password.
      Specified by:
      encodePassword in interface PasswordEncoding
      normalPassword - - The normal/plain password to be encoded
      key - - An optional data element which can be used to lock the password. Some encoders may require the key.
      The encoded password.
    • rotate

      public String rotate(String value)
      Applies a ROT-13 Caesar cipher to the supplied value. Each letter in the supplied value is substituted with a new value rotated by 13 places in the alphabet. See ROT13 for more information.

      A Unix command to perform a ROT-13 cipher is:

       tr "[a-m][n-z][A-M][N-Z]" "[n-z][a-m][N-Z][A-M]"
      value - The text to be rotated.
      The rotated text.