Interface QueryCache

  • All Known Implementing Classes:
    MapQueryCache, NestedQueryCache

    public interface QueryCache
    Defines API of a cache that stores query results.
    • Method Detail

      • get

        List get​(QueryMetadata metadata)
        Returns a cached query result for the given QueryMetadata or null if the result is not cached or is expired.
      • get

        List get​(QueryMetadata metadata,
                 QueryCacheEntryFactory factory)
        Returns a cached query result for the given QueryMetadata. If the result is not cached or is expired, cache will use provided factory to rebuild the value and store it in the cache. A corollary is that this method never returns null.

        Compared to get(QueryMetadata), this method allows the cache to do appropriate synchronization when refreshing the entry, preventing multiple threads from running the same query when a missing entry is requested by multiple threads simultaneously.

      • remove

        void remove​(String key)
        Removes a single entry from cache.
      • removeGroup

        void removeGroup​(String groupKey)
        Removes a group of entries identified by group key. Note that depending on implementation this method may either actively remove the entries belonging to the group or just mark them as expired, so that they are refreshed on the next access. In the former case the cache size would shrink, but in the later the cache size will not change after calling this method.
      • removeGroup

        void removeGroup​(String groupKey,
                         Class<?> keyType,
                         Class<?> valueType)
        Removes a group of entries identified by group key. Can be used if cache provider supports strictly typed caches.
        See Also:
      • clear

        void clear()
        since 4.0. Please use implementation specific methods to perform cache management tasks.
        Clears all cache entries.