Class ByteType

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class ByteType extends Object implements ExtendedType<Byte>
Handles java.lang.Byte type mapping. Can be configured to recast java.lang.Byte to java.lang.Integer when binding values to PreparedStatement. This is a workaround for bugs in certain drivers. Drivers that are proven to have issues with byte values are Sybase and Oracle (Mac OS X only).
  • Field Details

    • widenBytes

      protected boolean widenBytes
  • Constructor Details

    • ByteType

      public ByteType(boolean widenBytes)
  • Method Details

    • getClassName

      public String getClassName()
      Description copied from interface: ExtendedType
      Returns a full name of Java class that this ExtendedType supports.
      Specified by:
      getClassName in interface ExtendedType<Byte>
    • materializeObject

      public Byte materializeObject(ResultSet rs, int index, int type) throws Exception
      Description copied from interface: ExtendedType
      Reads an object from JDBC ResultSet column, converting it to class returned by 'getClassName' method.
      Specified by:
      materializeObject in interface ExtendedType<Byte>
      Exception - if read error occurred, or an object can't be converted to a target Java class.
    • materializeObject

      public Byte materializeObject(CallableStatement st, int index, int type) throws Exception
      Description copied from interface: ExtendedType
      Reads an object from a stored procedure OUT parameter, converting it to class returned by 'getClassName' method.
      Specified by:
      materializeObject in interface ExtendedType<Byte>
      Exception - if read error occurred, or an object can't be converted to a target Java class.
    • setJdbcObject

      public void setJdbcObject(PreparedStatement statement, Byte value, int pos, int type, int precision) throws Exception
      Description copied from interface: ExtendedType
      Initializes a single parameter of a PreparedStatement with object value.
      Specified by:
      setJdbcObject in interface ExtendedType<Byte>
    • toString

      public String toString(Byte value)
      Description copied from interface: ExtendedType
      Converts value of the supported type to a human-readable String representation.
      Specified by:
      toString in interface ExtendedType<Byte>
      value - a value to convert to String.