Interface OperationObserver

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
DefaultOperationObserver, DoNothingOperationObserver, IteratedSelectObserver

public interface OperationObserver extends OperationHints
Defines a set of callback methods that allow QueryEngine to pass back query results and notify caller about exceptions.
  • Method Details

    • nextCount

      void nextCount(Query query, int resultCount)
      Callback method invoked after an updating query is executed.
    • nextBatchCount

      void nextBatchCount(Query query, int[] resultCount)
      Callback method invoked after a batch update is executed.
    • nextRows

      void nextRows(Query query, List<?> dataRows)
      Callback method invoked for each processed ResultSet.
    • nextRows

      void nextRows(Query q, ResultIterator<?> it)
      Callback method invoked for each opened ResultIterator. If this observer requested results to be returned as a ResultIterator, this method is invoked instead of nextRows(Query, List).
    • nextGeneratedRows

      @Deprecated default void nextGeneratedRows(Query query, ResultIterator<?> keys, ObjectId idToUpdate)
      Callback method invoked after each batch of generated values is read during an update.
    • nextGeneratedRows

      void nextGeneratedRows(Query query, ResultIterator<?> keys, List<ObjectId> idsToUpdate)
      Callback method invoked after each batch of generated values is read during an update.
    • nextQueryException

      void nextQueryException(Query query, Exception ex)
      Callback method invoked on exceptions that happen during an execution of a specific query.
    • nextGlobalException

      void nextGlobalException(Exception ex)
      Callback method invoked on exceptions that are not tied to a specific query execution, such as JDBC connection exceptions, etc.